What Are the Risks of Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction has many benefits, particularly for those suffering extreme pain or discomfort from large breasts. As with any surgery, you should do your research when considering breast reduction surgery. A patient should weigh up the potential risks and benefits to ensure they are prepared.

There are a few risks to breast reduction surgery. First, scarring will occur. Although this will be unsightly, it should fade in time, and scars will not be noticeable under normal clothing. You should also be aware of possible complications, such as the loss of nipples or an infection. These risks can be minimized by ensuring that you ask your surgeon about them before surgery. Listed below are other risks of breast reduction surgery.

A week or two off work is required after breast reduction surgery. You should avoid strenuous physical activity for two to six weeks after the procedure. You can resume work and social activities at this time, but your energy level may be affected for a month or two. The first few days following breast enhancement surgery will also be accompanied by some crusting. However, if any of these side effects persist, you should contact your doctor immediately.

The surgeon will measure your breasts and take pictures of them to use as reference during your surgery. These pictures may be used for insurance coverage purposes. If you’re pregnant, you should discuss your concerns with your surgeon. Make sure you’ve discussed all risks with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure. Your doctor will also explain the possible complications associated with your specific case. This information can help you choose a qualified surgeon.

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A successful breast reduction surgery can relieve upper back and neck pain, improve physical activity, and help you build a more positive self-image. The surgical scars may take months to fade, but the results are permanent. Breasts can change size and shape over time due to age or weight gain or loss. If you plan to breastfeed, you should postpone your breast reduction surgery until your baby is born. A small difference between the two breasts may be visible after surgery, and this can make it difficult for breastfeeding.

The procedure can take anywhere from three to five hours. The surgeon will perform the procedure in a hospital or an outpatient surgery center. You’ll need to stay in the hospital for a night or two after your surgery. Afterward, you’ll be given pain medication and should be able to drive yourself home the day after your surgery. Your doctor will explain everything to you in detail before your surgery. In addition to any possible complications, you should follow all instructions given to you by your surgeon.

A breast reduction is often a medical necessity. Insurance companies consider it medically necessary in patients with back, neck, and shoulder pain. Removing the excess tissue in these areas helps alleviate symptoms and improve overall function. Although breast reduction surgery is often performed as cosmetic enhancement, it can also result in an infection. The postoperative rash is common, but rarely life-threatening. And there are a few other risks associated with the procedure.